Moving off
In a manual car:
In a manual car:
-Set first gear,
-Set the accelerator (gas),
-Find biting point,
-Observe around you, so start from left blind spot check left mirror, middle mirror, right mirror and right blind spot.
(Use the indicators here only if there is someone that could benefit from the signal e.g. a car behind you or a pedestrian etc, if there is traffic behind you let them go past first and then pull away- if the indicator is still on cancel it straight away.
But if there isn’t anyone around who could benefit from the signal then you don’t need to use the indicators at all, so just move onto the next stage of preparation.)
-If it’s safe, release the handbrake and pull away (then go into second gear). (When you’re releasing the handbrake use your left hand- so press the button in and push down, and keep your right hand on the steering wheel to keep control of the car whilst looking around to check it’s still safe to go.)
-Set the accelerator (gas),
-Find biting point,
-Observe around you, so start from left blind spot check left mirror, middle mirror, right mirror and right blind spot.
(Use the indicators here only if there is someone that could benefit from the signal e.g. a car behind you or a pedestrian etc, if there is traffic behind you let them go past first and then pull away- if the indicator is still on cancel it straight away.
But if there isn’t anyone around who could benefit from the signal then you don’t need to use the indicators at all, so just move onto the next stage of preparation.)
-If it’s safe, release the handbrake and pull away (then go into second gear). (When you’re releasing the handbrake use your left hand- so press the button in and push down, and keep your right hand on the steering wheel to keep control of the car whilst looking around to check it’s still safe to go.)
For a better explanation watch this video:
Slowing down and stopping
To slow the car down simply gently press on the brake pedal and change to the appropriate gears which complement the speed you are traveling. For example if I am traveling at 40 mph and I want to slow down to 30 mph I would have to change my gear from 4th to 3rd gear.
To come to a complete stop simply slow the car down then press the clutch down and then the brake pedal and you will come to a complete stop. You must do this gently in order to stop gently.
Before braking and slowing down you must assess the traffic behind you to see if it's safe enough to take this action, to do this simply look in your middle mirror (main mirror) to see out the back to what the following traffic behind is doing.